Time is running out for Mother's Day stock. See this year's dedicated collections plus clearance lines at 50% off, perfect for last-minute stock top-ups!


With a vast selection of bulk vintage ornaments with various finishes and styles, from our minimalist & romantic Rainy Day figures to glitter and crystal embellished 20s style flappers, our selection of figurines representing the human form has appeal to a broad spectrum of tastes and interests.

Featuring everyday people. Reflecting various professions, hobbies, and scenes, these figurines add a touch of realism and relatability to collections, resonating with those appreciating life's nuances.

Across home brand HESTIA® and figurine specialist brand The Juliana Collection, we have the perfect figurine to suit any interior style or to add to a collection.

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Products 1 to 12 (61 Records)